
Bringing additional learning gifts to every eager child. ABACUS AND BRAIN GYM an enterprise engaged in cultivating the right learning skills and attitude and right values in children between 5 to 15 years. We recognized the potential in every child and enable her/him to realize it through several innovating programs which have created waves in the sphere of developmental education in a short period of their implementation.



ABOUT The TOOL:abacus1

An abacus is a calculating instrument it consists of a number of counting beads that slide up and down the column rods. It is still used more as a calculator throughout Far East countries such as China, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and so on.

Abacus is a method used by Chinese, Japanese and Koreans to improve mathematical skills. This system has now invaded in our country.

Working on abacus optimizes and integrates the functions of the left and the right brain. Scientific research has proved that the use of Abacus stimulates the nerves in the fingers and sends message through the neurons. A mechanical aid which is performed by moving beads along rods using both hands. Use of abacus requires coordination of sights, sound and finger movements which induce increase in the synaptic connections. As abacus learners are trained to coordinate visual auditory and sensory inputs and solve problems by analyzing these repeatedly, these learners would improve their memory and overall learning ability which would help them to perform better in non mathematical subjects has also been evaluated.

brainhandAs told by Neurologist- learning is easy and fun up to the age of 15 years. From birth up to teenage years, the ratio of brain development is far greater than the physical growth. The brain’s ability to grow, change and compensate during 5to15 year is remarkable.



For any one there are only three ways of learning

Visual (Seeing), Auditory (hearing) and kinesthetic (feeling) and the best way is one which uses a combination of all the three i.e. in short- “ ABACUS” .

This programme helps to inculcate in the children ability to visualize reason, analyze, and conceptualize and in addition it:

  • Develop a fine sense of sight, sound and finger movements
  • Build a “feel” and love for numbers, “mental arithmetic” capabilities, as well as speed reading and speed writing skills.
  • Enhance memory, concentration, endurance, self confidence, creative and logical thinking and academic performance
  • Sharpen the observation and analyzing power.
  • Maximize mental potential.
  • Instill concentration & effective learning methods.
  • Develop self confidence.
  • Includes a specialized module called brain Gym that enables mastery of learning skills, revitalizes the brain, improve vision, listening, memory, self expression coordination, and promotes emotional balance and IQ. There are 8 targeted activities that integrate body and mind to bring about rapid and often dramatic improvements in concentration, memory, writing, listening, physical coordination and much more
  • Children will be able to compete internationally and will win accolades not only in mental computation but academically because the love and the ability to learn are being nurtured in the early years.

Class Details

  • Duration per level : 3 months (Subject to student performance)
  • One session per week (subject to allotted timetable)
  • Every session is of 120 minutes
  • Certificates & prizes are awarded on the successful completion of each level.

Student Kit

  • Abacus
  • Books per level


The syllabus is designed so as to cover all aspect of an Arithmetic System i.e. Addition, Subtraction, Division and Multiplication, the programme is designed to be finished in 8 different levels. The level wise details are here under:levels

Level 1 Basic concepts and fingering. Addition & subtraction with abacus, brain gym and speed writing.

Level 2 Addition & subtraction with 4 or higher digit numbers, addition & subtraction without abacus, brain gym and speed writing,

Level 3 Introduction of multiplication with & without abacus, addition & subtraction without abacus, brain gym and speed writing, skill exercise with tables.

Level 4 Introduction of division with & without abacus, more of multiplication, addition & subtraction without abacus, brain gym and speed writing, skill exercise with tables.

Level 5 Introduction of decimal addition & subtraction with & without abacus, Addition & subtraction without abacus, brain gym and speed writing.

Level 6 Introduction of double digit multiplication & double digit division with & without abacus, decimal addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with & without abacus, addition & subtraction without abacus, brain gym and speed writing.

Level 7 Introduction of decimal multiplication and division with & without abacus, addition & subtraction without abacus, brain gym and speed writing.

Level 8 Introduction to percentage, ratio, profit & loss, more on decimal calculations, addition & subtraction without abacus, speed writing and brain gym.
